Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Prambanan Temple

When you think about beautiful temple, we will inform you about a fascinating temple, he is the Prambanan. This temple is located on Java, Indonesia

Approximately 10 km east of Yogyakarta, 40 km west of Surakarta and 120 km south of Semarang, exactly on the border between the Central Java province  and Yogyakarta. Prambanan is located in districts  Sleman and Klaten. Rara Jonggrang or Lara Jonggrang temple located at Prambanan. Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia
This temple was built in about the year 850 AD, believed this temple was built by Rakai Pikatan the second king of Mataram dynasty or Balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya dynasty.

Prambanan 47 meters high, the main temple is Shiva temple (center),  Brahma temple (south), the Vishnu temple (north).    In front of them ther are Wahana temples (vehicle) as vehicles  Trimurti, Temple Space is the vehicle of Brahma ( Guardians God ),  Nandi temple (Ox) is the vehicle of Shiva (Destroyer Gods) and the   Garuda temple is the vehicle of Vishnu ( Creator God )
This temple is very beautiful and fascinating. If you go there like visiting the place of the gods. As if we go a long way to heaven is full of beauty.
I hope the information above is to please you. If you go to Indonesia don’t forget to visit Prambanan.
Photo 1 From :  http://www.panjalu.net/ 
Photo 2 From :  http://merahmay.wordpress.com


  1. I love this temple sight seeing.
    been here for a few times..bangga deh punya tempat seperti ini. visit indo...hehehe...

    salam kenal gan...Didi
