Saturday, May 29, 2010


Balikpapan is one town of East Kalimantan.
Balikpapan is beautiful town, it has many object tourism. 
This photo is one of coasts in Balikpapan town, its name "Pantai Kemala", beautiful in dusk.
Balikpapan face to  Makassar strait. This strait sometime has  high wave.

Balikpapan producer of oil. There are two refinery in bay of Balikpapan.
Refinery Balikpapan I and  II.
Refinery Balikpapan I   yield Naphta, kerosene, gasoline, diesel, and residue of parafinic destilate oil ( POD )
Refinery Balikpapan II yield  LPG, Naphta, kerosene, diesel, and residue.
If you would like to visit Balikpapan, please by plane from Jakarta. 
And Balikpapan around 102 km from Samarinda.

Photo 1 from :
Photo 2 from :
Photo 3 from :
Photo 4 from :